New publication: Lessons from reforming fossil-fuel subsidies

Georgeta Vidican

Prof. Auktor contributed a chapter to the recently published book by Mike Young and Christine Esau, “Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management: Guidelines for policy excellence”. The aim of this book is to catalyze global interest in the pursuit of transformational changes in natural resource and environmental management. It is shown that transformational policy reforms involve fundamental shifts in strategy with far-reaching consequences for the structure of industries, the way people behave and the resources they use. Prof. Auktor’s contribution covers the topic “Lessons from reforming fossil-fuel subsidies”.

Vidican-Auktor, G. (2016): “Lessons from reforming fossil-fuel subsidies”. In: Young, M., Essau, C. (Eds.): Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management: Guildelines for Policy Excellence. London: Routledge (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management).