Prof. Dr. Christine Binzel

Prof. Dr. Christine Binzel

Full Professor (Economics: Economy and Society of the Middle East)

Department of Economic Sciences
Development Economics, Economic History, Political Economy, Behavioral Economics, Causal Inference, Middle East and North Africa

Room: Room 1.035
Kochstr. 4 (17)
91054 Erlangen

Consultation hour

On appointment (pre-registration by e-mail)


Affiliate,  School of Business and Economics at the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law


Areas of Research

Development Economics, Economic History, Political Economy, Behavioral Economics, Causal Inference, Middle East and North Africa


Short C.V.

In fall 2017, Christine Binzel joined the Institute of Economics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) as a Professor of Economics, focusing on the Economy and Society of the Middle East. She studied economics at Hamburg University, Aarhus University, and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, and received her PhD in economics from Humboldt University of Berlin in 2010. After a one-year appointment as visiting assistant professor at Dartmouth College in 2010/2011, she joined Heidelberg University as a postdoctoral researcher. During this time, she was a visiting scholar at Harvard Kennedy School (2012) and at UC Berkeley (2014).

Her research interests are in the fields of development economics, applied microeconomics, and behavioral economics, with a particular focus on the Middle East and North Africa. She is a member of the Research Committee on Development Economics of the German Economic Association, AALIMS (Association for Analytic Learning about Islam and Muslim Societies) Faculty Fellow, CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research) Research Affiliate and IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) Research Fellow. Her research has been published in leading economic journals, such as The Economic Journal and the Journal of Development Economics.